
How To Live Safely

New cover I designed for Peter Mendelsund and Pantheon. Art by Benbo George. Thanks to Ben Peiratt for pointing me to this guys amazing art. Book comes out in Fall.


  1. Benbo's work is so different. Very curious stuff. It took me a glance to see what this image was, but in the end it made no diff. I liked the way it worked with the title. and some times that's all it's about. Sometimes an image just works almost inexplicably. Something about it communicates everything the book is about. Great cover.

  2. Oh, John: did you get the copy of Mooney I sent you? Hope so.

  3. Ken, I got the book Thank you! Its in my "to read" pile. Cover is marvelous. Made me jealous.

    Thanks for the comment Ian!
