
Tomi Ungerer

Great interview with designer, illustrator, Renaissance man Tomi Ungerer at Design Observer.


Closet Therapy

A piece I did for this Sunday's NYTimes Magazine about whether therapists should help God-fearing gay people stay in the closet.


Lawrence Ratzkin

Some more covers designed by yesterday's contest answer.

Jeff Kleinsmith borrows from Mr Ratzkin

Contest #3

Name the designer, win the book.
Difficulty level: 5
scale of 1-10. 10 being the most difficult


Kids Today 5

Some student work from the spring 2011 book cover design class. Third and fourth year students. Special thanks to Evan Gaffney, Tal Goretsky, Chip Kidd and Megan Wilson for their inspiration and expert guidance.

Projects include:
Design a series of classics for a contemporary audience.
Design a cover for a How To book.
Design a cover for the novel Lake Overturn.
Design a cover for a book that is in desperate need of a new cover.

Nina Loschiavo

Rachel Willey

Michele Martinez

Alex Stikeleather

Daniel Rodriguez

Jinyi Roh