One of my dream "if I had to do it all over again" jobs is to be a caricaturist. Drawing—specifically faces—was one of the first things I really loved to do. I wasn't the best artist in my high school class so I wasn't asked to adorn the backs of denim jackets with the "Yes" logo, but I was able to produce the occasional snicker with a ballpoint rendering of the English teacher. The chance to take drawing classes is what lured me away from architecture and into an art program in college. Surviving by only pen and paper becomes more attractive with each Adobe CS upgrade, Apple product launch and new battery charger I have to pack. I still threaten to return to to the fold, but with each passing year the distance between pen and paper grows exponentially larger and scarier. Besides, David Levine's already done it all. Remembrances here and here and here.
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