Preview the book From Shadow to Light: The Life & Art of Mort Meskin. Beautiful package and great story of this visionary yet forgotten artist. Coming from Fantagraphics in September. Written and designed by Steven Brower.
Some French pulp covers collected across the internet that have been occupying a small but strategic portion of my hard drive. They probably all came from here and here.
Design Bureau, a new design magazine, just launched and contains an article on yours truly. Accompanying photos, by the fabulous NoahKalina, show how glamorous it is to eat lunch at your desk everyday. The piece also contains a list of my favorite lunch spots. The print addition should be hitting the stands any day now. Design Bureau is being published by the fine folks who brought us Alarm.
Last week I gave a talk and held a brief workshop for high school students as part of SVA'a Pre-College Summer Program. The assignment was to design a book cover for one of Shakespeare's plays. They were each given a title, two random images and a typeface. They had one hour to familiarize themselves with the play and design the cover. The idea was to have them make connections between disparate imagery and concepts and to let them play with type and image in an intuitive way. Given the extreme time constraints I thought they did a terrific job. Did I mention they were HIGH SCHOOL students? Here are a few:
I think these work equally well as covers and as posters. Most of the source imagery was culled from the Eric Baker's posts and emails.