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You know the work. You love the work. Don't miss the talk. The Heads of State promise an evening of posters, books, illustrations, broken pencils, heavy metal guitar techniques, marriage counseling and the secrets to everlasting creative collaboration. April 1 at the Museum of Arts and Design.


More Book Art

Article by Peter Terzian on artists who use the printed book as inspiration for their art. 
Below: Leanne Shapton, Duncan Hannah, and Richard Baker


My "Other" Job

Well, one of my other jobs. This one for The Other Press.


The Founding Our Fathers

The New York Times Magazine asked a few designers to insert Jesus into scenes from American history. Illustrations accompanied an article about an influential Texas school board's attempts to get more Christianity into public school text books. Here's mine:


Cooper was here.

Was thinking about starting up a blog dedicated to inscribed books. But guess what? There already is one. Shocking. Still might though.


Lustig wear

The only book related garment I've ever owned is a t-shirt with this on the front:



Selections from a huge and varied archive of Philip K. Dick covers.

A collection we published a few years ago:


Amazon v. Macmillan

Wherein the retailer acts like a dick and a publisher finally grows some balls.

Have to admit Amazon saying "Macmillan has a monopoly over their own books." is the second best (and stupidest) thing I've seen or read this year. Here's the best thing.

And speaking of balls (stay with it).


I've come full circle.

The first book cover I ever "designed":
The most recent cover I designed: